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Fotos: Länder > Kosovo

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11 Bewertungen
von Barbosko - Zhuckovsky - Russische Föderation - 03-Nov-2009, 10:49:36 PM

Сербия хай живе!

von Alexander - Moscow - Russische Föderation - 24-Apr-2009, 07:45:02 AM

This is some kind of agitation sheet. The slogan is "Support Serbia!"
The underline seems like the surname of elections candidate and his number in the ballot paper.

von Francisco Mainieri - Rio de Janeura - Brasilien - 02-Mär-2009, 10:47:08 PM

What the f**k is that? kkkkkkk

von Петро Козлов - Киев - Ukraine - 22-Feb-2009, 11:31:12 AM

Сербия - Навсегда !

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