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Photos: Countries > Brazil

Sugarloaf Mountain - Río de Janeiro
Vitoria - Espirito Santo
BR - 101
Indigenous family (Pataxó tribe)
Sta. Cruz da Cabralia - Bahía
Sta. Cruz da Cabralia - Bahía
Peninsule of Marau - Bahía
From Barra Grande to Camamú - Bahía
Pelourinho - Salvador - Bahía
Buying aluminum for suitcases
Constructing suitcases
Intrepidus Moto Club - Salvador
Arriving at Mangue Seco
Excursion with friends
Fields of sugarcane - Alagoas
Barra de Sao Miguel - Alagoas
Fields of sugarcane - Alagoas
Tibaú do Sul - Río Grande do Norte
Jericoacoara - Ceará
Lots of sand near Jericoacoara - Ceará
Crossing the river on a raft- Ceará
Caçadores MotoClube - Aracajú
Stuck in the sand - Ceará
My little friends!!!
"Meeting of the waters" - River Amazon
Urubuí River - Amazon
The ecuator line - Roraima
In which hemisphere am I?
Motorcycle meeting - Espirito Santo

©2007 RE-MOTO - A Voyage to the Dreams - Motorcycle travel around the world