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Photos: Countries > F.Y.R.O.M.

We tried to take a photo at the border, but a policeman stopped us. This is the clandestine result.
The Republic of Macedonia, a country of tranquility and great food.
In the balcans the muslim religion is very common.
As the sun falls we look for a place to camp.
Many vineyards flank the road.
The Macedonians have a conflict with Greece over the name of the country.
Poppy rocking in the wind.
Poppy is grown between the vineyards.
We did not understand a word he was saying, but some gestures are universal.
Enjoying the small roads.
We found a place to sleep under a roof in the middle of some fields.
It seemed to be an abandoned place, so we set up the tent.
A storm was approaching, but we were protected.
At 7am we discovered that the place was not abandoned. We were woken up by a truck full of workers curiously circling our camping site.

©2007 RE-MOTO - A Voyage to the Dreams - Motorcycle travel around the world