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Photos: Countries > Germany > Crossing the North

Old warehouses of Hamburg.
In Ellerau we met the nicest baker in the world. He gave us kilos of bread, sweets and coffee until we almost burst and promised to bake us our wedding cake.
Towards the north
Elke on the road.
Sown fields.
Riding north quickly before the winter catches up with us.
Crossing a river in Missunde.
Flensburg, a city near the border with Denmark.
Flensburg - Alexandra
Getting off the ferry in Rostock, after riding through Denmark.
Hotel Neptun on the coast of Warnemünde
What the h... are those things on the beach?!?...
They are an interesting type of deck-chair, not at all bad for reading protected from the sun and the wind. They aren't so stupid after all those Germans.
With our friend Olaf, who put us up in Rostock.
The ferry to Denmark and Sweden.
A salsa lesson given by a robotic, german teacher in Rostock.
Fields in Linde, 30km from Berlin.
La Garota inLinde.
A beautiful afternoon in Linde.

©2007 RE-MOTO - A Voyage to the Dreams - Motorcycle travel around the world