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Photos: Countries > Germany > Womosaurus Terraintrepidus

This will be our mobile office that will allow us to be more autonomous and work in peace to obtain the funds for the rest of the voyage. But we will give him a different "look". Let's go to work!
Justus, his wife Margareta (not on the picture) and Erika receive us in Linde. Thanks to their great friendship and hospitality we could stay for more than one month at their home, preparing the truck. Thank you, our friends!
We started by removing the old and very durable plastic letters.
A good washing was more than necessary.
We removed all old decorations to avoid them shining through.
First coat right side.
We painted the cabin in black, but we didn't like the result.
New design on the computer.
Final result in orange and black.
We changed the black for green.
The green goes nicer with the orange.
The first coat of green is ready.
Taping the letters. We decided to make them a bit smaller.
The green part of the letters on the right side is ready.
Green part of the letters of the right side without tape.
The same on the left side.
Taping for the orange part of the letters.
We painted the orange part of the letters.
Wow! Now that's more like it!
With Felix, Elke's brother, working in our mobile office.
Preparing the mask for the "RE".
We spent some really nice days in this small town in the middle of
The rain is not helping with the right part. We had to wait several days.
The "RE" of the right side...
...and the ".com" on the door.
Womosaurus Terraintrepidus, with his new suit.
Womosaurus Terraintrepidus, with his new suit.
Working in our new bed.
Womosaurus Terraintrepidus
Installing the solar system.
It's the last day before our departure and Felix lends us a hand to finish installing the panels.
These panels will give us sufficient electricity to be able to work wherever we decide to stop.

©2007 RE-MOTO - A Voyage to the Dreams - Motorcycle travel around the world