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Photos: Countries > Poland > 50 days in the mechanics garage

One month and twenty days we stayed at a mechanics garage in a small village named Lubieszyn, repairing the engine of the truck.
Miszka, the granddaughter of the mechanic.
Marius, the grandson.
Jan, checking the lid of the cylinders.
Jan and Marius.
Jan and the old piston.
Old piston of the truck.
The pistons were in bad shape. We decided to change them for new ones.
Jan and Miszka
Jan trying mate.
In the back yard of the garage for almost two months.
Dismantling the heavy engine.
Complete disarmament of the engine.
Taking advantage of the time to clean the carburators.
Since there was no beach around...
Improvised workshop.
Improvised workshop.
New pistons and gaskets.
Putting together the camshaft.
Ready to be put back into the truck again.
The engine is ready. Let's go!!

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