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Photos: Countries > France

We are happy because we will enter a new country soon: Belgium.

We are happy because we will enter a new country soon: Belgium.
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9 ratings
by ricky - GuanDong - China - 06-Apr-2008, 09:22:40 AM

WIll COME to China ??

by Anonymous - Mexico - 22-Aug-2007, 06:59:30 AM

hombre¡¡¡¡¡ ya te habias tardado amigo exelentes noticias sobre su boda

by Juan Antonio "Rebollas" - Cangas del Narcea - Asturias - Spain - 07-Jul-2007, 03:38:32 PM

He leído BODA, ¡FELICIDADES! que todo sea para bien y mucho ánimo.

Juan Antonio.

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