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Photos: Countries > Denmark

Denmark is a very tranquil country full of friendly and very open people.

Denmark is a very tranquil country full of friendly and very open people.
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23 ratings
by Madalena Morais - Brasilia DF - Brazil - 02-Sep-2009, 06:54:20 PM

...Interagir com vcs através dos comentarios foi uma super ideia!PARABENS!!!para quem teve a ideia e
bjim a toda a equipe good!

by Dmitriy - Odessa - Ukraine - 10-Jun-2009, 11:29:43 AM

Очень красивая местность! Неудивительно , что там живут дружелюбные и открытые люди ))

by gina - barranquilla - Colombia - 05-Jul-2008, 01:11:31 AM

me parese super linda esa cas de verdad y esta toda llena de naturaleza esta super

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