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Photos: Countries > Montenegro

Is there a better place for a cup of coffee?

Is there a better place for a cup of coffee?
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9 ratings
by gaston - bahia blanca - Argentina - 02-Jan-2012, 07:46:56 PM

Sacame el barquito y comparto jajajaja

by raidel pastrana - mexicali baja california mexico - Mexico - 20-Nov-2010, 09:41:40 PM

si solo con mirar la foto me relaje ,ahora estando hay .........

by Laura Correa - Paysandu - Uruguay - 10-Jul-2010, 02:02:46 PM

Un cafe eterno porque no querria irme jamas

by Pablo Di Santo - Junin - Argentina - 31-Dec-2009, 06:44:47 PM

D unaa!!

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