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Photos: Countries > F.Y.R.O.M.

In the balcans the muslim religion is very common.

In the balcans the muslim religion is very common.
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by Pakdin Ismail - shah alam - Malaysia - 24-Mar-2013, 12:55:35 PM

hello, you are afew lucky guys who successfully traveled by bike around the world.
i am reading and looking the photos. its wonderful. as amuslim country,mosques can be seen in many places in malaysia. I can say this is a beatiful mosque.

by Monica Duran - san jose - Costa Rica - 05-Jul-2009, 08:17:58 PM

Yo hace un a;o estuve en Turquia me parece muy interesante la religion quiero formar parte de ella
Soy catolica y quiero hacerme musulmana...Les agradeceria si pudieran ayudarme...
Que Allah los bendiga

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