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Φωτογραφίες: Χώρες > Ισπανία > Alicante - Cáceres

I would have liked to sleep here and dream of knights, but my sleeping bag was not good enough for the cold wind of the winter night, so that I fled in a hurry to seek refuge in a different town.

...and I laid down my sleeping bag at the doors of the castle.
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12 βαθμολογήσεις
από Daniel - Ramos Mejìa - Αργεντινή - 12-Οκτ-2007, 08:46:29 PM

La noche motoquera mas emocionante que pasè en mi vida fuè cuando en medio de una tormenta regresaba por la playa desde Pinamar a Santa Teresita ,a fondo (no te rìas) con una XR100 .Un abrazo.

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