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Φωτογραφίες: Χώρες > Γερμανία > Fantastic Berlin

The public transport in Berlin is excellent. Apart from trams, there is a huge subway and train network that never stop working, not even at night.

The public transport in Berlin is excellent. Apart from trams, there is a huge subway and train network that never stop working, not even at night.
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από Edith- - La Plata- - Αργεντινή - 03-Σεπ-2008, 11:37:02 PM

Es un placer ver los "tranvias" maravillosos que hay en toda europa.-¡Ojala! esto se viera en Argentina.-Y me asombra la limpieza absoluta de todas las calles por donde pasan los tranvias.- Felicidades!!!

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