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Φωτογραφίες: Χώρες > Ισπανία > Vigo - Madrid - O Grove

The motorcycle club "Sentolos Rasing" of O Grove gave us a warm welcome...

The motorcycle club "Sentolos Rasing" of O Grove gave us a warm welcome...
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11 βαθμολογήσεις
από Val bailey - Cardiff - Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο - 23-Ιαν-2014, 10:04:13 PM

A crowd of us are hoping to come over 4th and 5th july. Could you tell us if the bike rally is on this year please. Best wishes val

από LUPE - VILAGARCIA - Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη - 13-Οκτ-2008, 06:15:27 PM

Os invitamos al rastro motero que se celebrara el próximo domingo día 19 en la plaza de la pescaderia en vilagarcia de arousa(pontevedra)el que tenga algo referente a la moto para vender o exponer siempre particulares sera bienvenido, todo gratuito.

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